increase your compressor's lifespan

Extend Your Compressor’s Lifespan With These Tips!

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There’s no specific number regarding the life expectancy of an air compressor. The better you are at maintaining your compressor, the longer you can use it in your operations. Extend your compressor’s lifespan with these tips!

All Air Compressors is an expert air compressor repairs in Sydney, NSW. We specialise in compressed air servicing and repairs, air piping installation, and also line filter installation.


If you purchase a high-quality air compressor, provide it with proper maintenance. It’s the best way to ensure your equipment will work when you need it to.

Rather than waiting until a problem arises, employing preventative maintenance can ensure your air compressor runs reliably whenever necessary. It can extend an air compressor’s life and save you money on expensive repairs down the road.

1. Check Oil Levels

Think of an air compressor like a car engine. For it to run properly, it must be adequately lubricated. A good rule of thumb is to check an air compressor’s oil levels once a day—or if it’s not a daily use item, each time it’s used. To check the oil level, locate the air compressor’s oil level sight glass. The oil level should be at least halfway up or around the gauge’s centre mark.

It’s also important to change the oil regularly. Some people focus too much on maintaining the different parts of the compressor and tend to overlook the need to change the oil. Failure to change the compressor oil when it is already urgently needed can cause your air compressor to provide poor performance and may even cause some considerable damage.

2. Replace The Air Filter

When the compressor pulls in moisture and air, it can also grab debris and dust floating in the air of the surrounding environment. The air filter catches these debris particles so they don’t get stuck inside the air compressor, meaning it’s important to change the air filter regularly. It’s a good idea to change the filter once a week to keep it working efficiently.

Consult the operating manual before you begin to ensure you’re doing it correctly.

3. Monitor Temperature

Air compressors operate within a certain temperature range, which is outlined in the operating manual. If an air compressor becomes too hot, it can experience unnecessary wear and tear, ultimately resulting in a shorter lifespan. Many air compressors come with a built-in shutdown system designed to shut down the compressor if it becomes overheated.

Ideally, you don’t want to get to the point where the air compressor overheats. However, being familiar with its temperature limitations and testing the shutdown feature to ensure it engages properly are important steps toward maintaining a working air compressor.

4. Tighten Loose Bolts

An air compressor’s vibrations can cause screws and bolts to work their way loose over time. Each month, inspect and tighten any fasteners that may have come loose during use. Doing this will keep your machine in good shape and avoid any equipment breakdowns.

5. Drain Any Moisture

When an air compressor pulls in outside air, it removes moisture from the air and stores it in a receiver tank. If this moisture is left in the receiver tank, it will cause rust and damage to the air compressor.

Get into the habit of draining the tank and wiping down any moisture in the air compressor prior to each use so the liquid doesn’t have time to build up inside.

6. Look for Leaks

Over time, the hoses inside of your air compressor can become corroded or cracked. If this happens, it can result in reduced air pressure or leaks. To prevent this, regularly inspect the hoses by looking for holes or potential weak spots. If you notice anything amiss, it’s a good idea to replace the hose to keep the air compressor working efficiently.

7. Manage Repair Issues Quickly

Minor maintenance issues, such as a dirty air filter or moisture in the reserve tank, might seem like things you can put off. However, delaying maintenance or minor repairs will likely result in bigger problems down the road. If left unchecked, a small leak or a few moisture drops could end up costing a lot of money to repair.

If the damage is bad enough, you might have to purchase a new air compressor. Being proactive about repair issues as soon as you notice them will extend the lifespan of your air compressor and save you a lot of money down the road.

8. Check Air Quality

Fluid or corrosion in the system can cause airstream contamination that will negatively impact the work you do with the air compressor. Regularly inspecting the airlines, filters and other parts of your air compressor will prevent airstream contamination and ensure that quality air is flowing through the system at all times.

9. Follow Instructions

When a problem does arise, don’t try to fix it the way you did at another job or with another machine. Carefully reference the operating manual and closely follow its instructions for operation and repair. If you aren’t sure how to correct a problem or replace a part, contact a reputable service provider for help.

Contact All Air Compressors To Deal With Your Air Compressor Issues In Sydney!

Looking for the best air compressor repairs and services in Sydney? Contact All Air Compressors today! With more than 15 years of experience, we provide the best repair services for your industrial air compressors.
